Join Us!
Circles of Grant County meets every Tuesday from 6-8 PM at New Life Community Church in Marion, Indiana during the school year.
During the summer months (June-July) we gather in the homes/yards of some of our community members.
We would love to have you join us!
Reach out to us by text, phone, or email to confirm where we are meeting - we can't wait to meet you!
phone: 765-251-8242 | email: [email protected]
During the summer months (June-July) we gather in the homes/yards of some of our community members.
We would love to have you join us!
Reach out to us by text, phone, or email to confirm where we are meeting - we can't wait to meet you!
phone: 765-251-8242 | email: [email protected]
Interested in the possibility of becoming a Circle Leader?
A Circle Leader is an individual or family seeking to overcome the barriers of economic poverty.
Once you've filled out the application, we will be notified of your submission & will contact you within a few days.
Interested in the possibility of becoming a Circles Ally?
A Circles Ally is an intentional friend to the Circle Leader as they seek to overcome barriers and move their family toward thriving.